Our 10th day on board
It’s day 10 of the cruise and our second day at sea after Iceland. The sky is overcast and the wind is howling, but we can’t see any ice in the water as we round the tip of Greenland. Mom and I have spent our morning going to a cooking demonstration and an inspiring talk about pioneering Norwegians.
Neptune/Poseidon outside the portside ladies bathroom near the World Stage
After the talk we stopped by the restroom. As we entered the door, Mom exclaimed how much she hates this restroom. This was my first time in this facility, however, and there’s a lot to learn. First, the entry door opens and closes automatically, so let it do its thing. There are more places to apply make-up (3) than there are sinks (1). And there are three toilets, one that can accommodate people in wheel chairs. This last one has an automatically opening door and the line behind me gave me instructions on how to operate it. “The door opens automatically.” “Let it open on its own.” I was nervous to step in worried that I might get in there and be unable to get the door open from the inside. “Step back from the entrance or the door won’t close.” “Don’t try to close it yourself, you have to step back and patiently wait.” Finally the door closes. The toilet doesn’t actually pee for you. You have to do that yourself, thankfully. After washing my hands, I found the button to the door and escaped.
Looking forward to watching more Wimbledon this afternoon. This evening is the Zuiderdam Ball and it will be fun to see folks all dressed up and dancing.