Island slalom
This morning we are squeezing through the gaps between many tiny islands. It is quite foggy and cool (54F). This scene is a dramatic contrast to yesterday at sail away when the sun beamed down on happy cruisers dancing on a top deck to celebrate the beginning of our journey. For Mom and me it was too much. The crowds trying to make their way to dinner were even more and we missed dining with our travel mates (Judy and Eliza) because we were both lost and confused. Happily we were seated with a delightful family from Australia and though dinner service was remarkably slow time passed quickly through easy conversation about travels.
After dinner we stopped to listen to a Bourbon St. Jazz band. The laidback other cruisers distributed in chairs around the atrium appeared to enjoy themselves as much as we did. A couple of pairs showed off with some fancy steps, while others nibbled on cookies and other treats. I ended the evening by quickly losing $10 at video poker. Whew, those machines have an exceptionally poor payout.