Bondi Beach and the Cliffs
Our day started later than usual because we let ourselves sleep until we were ready to get up. After a late breakfast, we took the 333 bus out to Bondi Beach, a beautiful surf spot with white sands and deep blue waters.
And surfable waves.
While at the beach I did a little last minute research and found out that parts of the cliff walk we had planned to do were closed for renovation. No worries! We just took the 380 bus to skip most of the closed sections. We still got great views of the cliffs at Diamond Reserve even though the boardwalk was closed to the north.
Boardwalk closed, but we could still see the cliffs.
We walked through a neighborhood to pick up the cliff walk in Christison Park just north of the South Head cemetery.
I'm not sure the residents get to enjoy this view.
Then down into Watson’s Bay for lunch at Doyles. We took the ferry back to Circular Quay to get back to the hotel.
View of Sydney from a hill near Watson's Bay.
Later in the evening we had our good bye harbor dinner cruise, which was nice. Even better was the after hours trivia as “Al’s Pals” at the Pumphouse. We came in third.
Time to say good bye to Sydney.